Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Understanding TRUE portfolio Cost

Do you really know what your portfolio costs' you each year??  Most folks don't have any idea.

Think about it, you wouldn't buy a flat screen tv or a car or any other large ticket item for that matter without knowing you were getting quality for your money would you???  Then shouldn't you ask yourself why you don't know what your life savings is costing you to invest??

I was just meeting with a couple today, that has now just become a client of our firm and after doing some in-depth analysis on their portfolio designed by a different adviser we found their total overall COST (FEES) were 4.5% !!!

This is absolutely ridiculous and unfortunately it happens more often than you would think.

Most folks know they are not going to get FREE advice, but it needs to be clear, fair and fully disclosed.
It is important to fully understand all of your portfolio's cost's including hidden charges that may not be required to be shown. 

To see how you can save $ in Fees click here!

Friday, January 7, 2011

What is your tax plan for 2012?

Do you receive tax preparation or are you receiving real Tax Planning???  Tax preparation is typically done by an accountant or a CPA.  This process involves understanding what deductions you are eligible for or what you can expect to pay the government.

Tax planning is a process that explores advanced planning strategies.   This process is normally not done by, nor is it the job of your CPA or accountant.  Tax Planning involves doing detailed research in your investments and estate.  This research will determine what type of tax strategies could be implemented over time to save you, your spouse and your family thousands if not hundreds of thousands in tax dollars.

So who is responsible for this advanced planning????  A good financial advisor will guide you through every aspect of your retirement planning.  This type of advising demands an exclusive clientele so that your specific needs are fully uncovered.  A good advisor is a true fiduciary who is interested in guiding you through every aspect of retirement, rather than just gathering assets.  Examples of this are: investment allocation, tax planning, tax-free income options, long term care, Estate Planning, etc.

Working with the right advisor is extremely important, as we all only have the opportunity to retire ONCE!  Michael D. Wall, of Wall Financial Group, has assisted many clients with these advanced strategies and they have saved significant amounts of money in taxes.  His motto is, "It's your choice who you give your taxes to...either the government or your family."  With some good planning you will never avoid taxes altogether, but you can avoid unnecessary tax burden with proper planning.

To explore your options with these advanced tax strategies, give Wall Financial Group a call TODAY!

To See if YOU can SAVE more in Taxes .. Click on this link