Thursday, December 16, 2010

Knowing the total RISK to your Investments!

Did you know that you can actually know what your risk is in relation to your portfolio and what your approximate loss could be if we have another 2008?

Well you can by using a factor called "Standard Deviation".  Most folks don't like to lose money and that is why most of our clients are safe and some have not lost a dime in the previous down markets, but if you know in advance what your total exposure is at least you were aware of what is possible and if your not comfortable with that you can make changes.

IT'S ALL ABOUT FULLY UNDERSTANDING YOUR CURRENT SITUATION!  When we meet with someone for the first time we do in-depth research to help them understand this which helps them make a more informed decision about their future.   I believe that is why it is so important when it comes to investing that you look for or work with someone who specializes in a particular group of people, just like you would look for a doctor who specializes if you needed brain surgery.

In our firm we work only with folks who are retired or soon will be and they have a minimum of 150,000 of investable assets.  This ensures that we can focus on their needs specifically.  Things like proper investment allocation, client interaction (meeting with them for progress meetings every six months), estate planning and advanced tax planning.

This is where we have decided to specialize, so whatever your situation is, it is always wise to have a second opinion on your "LIFE SAVINGS" and a good idea to work with a specialist who takes care of the needs of folks just like you!

Click for more information 

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