Monday, December 20, 2010

Where Has all the SERVICE gone???

I was having a conversation the other day with my executive assistant and had the same conversation that evening with my wife. (who is our Director of Operations)  We were talking about service, not only in the financial industry, but also every other industry that you can do business with today.

I am amazed at how poor the customer service is in most businesses and I don't believe they care, if they did I think we would see some drastic change.  Every day, I see the importance of having specific systems in place to ensure that the service we provide is far above every other firm in our field and industry.  I know that sounds a little self-serving and I apologize for that, but our level of service is regularly evaluated by our clients and that is where this review is coming from.   

I have always been a big believer in continually looking for ways to make things easier and do things better and that is why I welcome all types of feedback from our select families (clients) that we serve.

Why is it so hard for most businesses to have good follow through?????  I believe it is because their business model for growth was not and is not fully evaluated on a regular basis.  How's this for an idea... Instead of working with everyone, everywhere, our firm works with only a specific type and a limited number of clients each year to make sure that we can be "All things to some people" in relation to their finances, estate and tax planning needs.  Sure we are still growing and accepting new clients, but we are doing it with a plan!

What if other companies, before they decided to grow to the utter most parts of the earth, actually sat down and asked if they could really service that kind of volume first!  What would the business world and the trust for the business world look like if SERVICE BECAME THE PRIORITY INSTEAD OF SALES???

Service with a Smile :)  ... wouldn't it be great if all companies brought back not just the smile but also the service.

To Get better service with your retirement needs click here

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